Author: Sandra Milena Gómez Correa

Dr. Sandra Milena Gomez is a Korean obstetrician and gynecologist, specialized in minimally invasive gynecological surgery from the American Association of Laparoscopic Gynecologists, with extensive knowledge in the management of gynecological and obstetric diseases, as well as surgical procedures. She is a colposcopist and for management of lower tract pathology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases at the uterine level. She is a general practitioner with an emphasis on management and public health. My specialities: - Gynaecological consultation - Cervical pathology - Endometriosis and pelvic pain

Lighting Power: Investigating  Explosive Arm Workouts for Strength and Definition The Significance of Explosive Arm Workouts With regards to areas of strength for building, arms, integrating hazardous activities into your gym routine can take your outcomes to a higher level. Touchy arm exercises focus on the significant muscle gatherings of the arms, including the biceps, rear arm muscles, and shoulders, and connect quick jerk muscle strands, advancing muscle development, power, and physicality.  Key Exercises for Explosive Arms Plyometric Push-Ups: Plyometric push-ups are a unique variety of conventional push-ups that include touchy pushing developments. Start in a standard push-up position, then,…

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The Amazing Health Medical Benefits of Doing Housework Amazing Health Benefits of Doing Housework: Keeping a perfect and clean home isn’t just about style; it can essentially influence your general well-being and prosperity. Taking part in customary housework schedules offers plenty of medical advantages that might shock you. From working on cardiovascular well-being to helping mental prosperity, here’s a more intensive gander at the different ways housework adds to your well-being. Amazing Health Benefits of Doing Housework Family tasks give a fantastic chance to participate in actual work without expecting to go to the exercise center. Assignments like vacuuming, wiping,…

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10 Greatest benefits of Protein Powder for Weight reduction 10 Greatest Benefits of Protein Powder for Weight Reduction: Protein powder is critical in supporting weight reduction endeavors because of its capacity to advance satiety, help digestion, and safeguard fit bulk. Not at all like other macronutrients, for example, sugars and fats, protein requires more energy to process, prompting a higher thermic impact and expanded calorie use. Moreover, protein manages hunger chemicals, diminishing desires and gorging, which are normal hindrances to weight reduction achievement. 10 Greatest Benefits of Protein Powder for Weight Reduction: Protein Powder as a Vital Part of Powerful…

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Exercise ball is best for pregnancy in 2024 Exercise ball is best for pregnancy: Embracing Solace and Wellness Exercise ball is best for pregnancy, being pregnant is a life-changing experience that necessitates both comfort and fitness. One significant instrument for hopeful moms is the activity ball. Stages of these adaptable, inflatable balls offer numerous advantages. Incorporating it into your prenatal routine can have a significant impact on your overall health in a variety of ways, including improving core strength and reducing discomfort. Exercise ball is best for pregnancy: Understanding the Importance of Exercise Balls for Pregnancy  A woman’s body undergoes…

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10 tips for Beauty as well as Health Beauty as well as Health In the present speedy world, chasing after beauty frequently remains closely connected with the mission for ideal well-being. This far-reaching guide investigates the complicated association between magnificence and well-being, revealing insight into how an all-encompassing methodology can prompt a brilliant and dynamic way of life. Table of Contents: Beauty as well as Health 1.1 Unlocking Radiant Skin through Holistic Health Practices 1.1.1 Nourishing Your Skin from Within Dietary Tips for a Glowing Complexion 1.1.2 Hydration Habits: Key to Both Beauty and Health 1.2 Beauty Rituals for a Healthy Mind…

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Face yoga for double chin Jawline: An Exhaustive Aide Face yoga for double-chin Setting out on the cruise of face yoga for double chin jawline targets actual appearance and lifts confidence. In this extensive aid, we dive into the extraordinary force of face yoga, investigating its effect on certainty and, by and large, prosperity. Face yoga for double-chin  Understanding the Impact of Facial Exercises on Double Chin Reduction Facial activities have earned respect for their capacity to tone the body and lessen indications of maturing. When explicitly custom-fitted for a twofold jaw decrease, these activities focus on the basic muscles…

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The Holistic Health Bundles Holistic Health Bundles People are increasingly turning to holistic health bundles as a complete solution to achieve overall well-being. This extreme aid expects to reveal insight into the comprehensive methodology, investigating the analogy of brain, body, and soul in effective ideal well-being. Complete well-being is established on the rule that genuine health reaches beyond actual well-being to encompass mental, close-to-home, and profound viewpoints. As we explore through this aid, we will unwind the layers of complete prosperity, inspecting how different components synergize to make a reasonable and civil life. Holistic Health Bundles Understanding Holistic Health and…

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Uncovering the Broad Manual for 24 Hour Health The wellness scene has gone through huge changes throughout the long term, with 24 Hour Fitness arising as a noticeable pattern. Offering unparalleled comfort and adaptability, these offices have reclassified how people approach their wellness schedules, adjusting to the requests of current ways of life. Development and Development of 24 Hour Fitness Focuses The idea behind 24 Hour Fitness is a demonstration of the developing necessities of wellness lovers. Gone are the days when time requirements confined rec center meetings. Today, these centers offer fitness to everyone, from people who like to…

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Skinny Dipping Meaning Skinny Dipping, an activity regularly canvassed stealthily and with interest, has gotten the imaginative brains of many, prompting requests concerning its beginning stages, social observations, and legal repercussions, and that is just a glimpse of something larger. The universe of thin plunging offers a rich embroidery of social, mental, and individual implications that go a long way past the basic demonstration of being bare in normal waters. This comprehensive examination attempts to uncover the assorted ramifications and ideas related to this everlasting development. Skinny Dipping Meaning Origins and Historical Context The starting points of Skinny Dipped can…

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Unlocking the Basics: Perfecting Your Push-Up Plank Form Push-Up Plank You can never turn out badly by beginning with the essentials. This is particularly evident in your wellness schedule. After all, before adding weight or trying harder variations, you want to make sure you have good form. To this end, we’re beginning with the ideal push-up board structure. Push-Up Plank Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart to begin a good push-up. You can either have your palms level on the floor or in a clenched hand. From here, fold your toes under and draw in your abs…

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